name is Henika Wening Tia. You can call me Henika. I live in Bekasi. I’m 20
years old. I have two little sister, they are Dewanti and Febi. I’m student of
Gunadarma University. My sister Dewanti is student in Jendral Soedirman
University, my sister Febi is student of senior high school. I like drawing. I usually
like reading too. Every morning, I wake up 5 o’clock. I pray subuh and I
starting my activity. I have breakfast in the morning, my mom usually serving
me my favorite food everyday. And then I drink milk everyday. I often do sport
with my sister, such as jogging or aerobic whenever we want. We also like
dancing, actually but my sister febi could dancing better. My sister Dewanti
has a band. She is a good singer. I usually fill my boring time by watching
television. Sometimes I’m watching movies on the cinema or hanging out with my
friends. I like watching action and comedy movies. My mom always waiting her
children at home. She usually asking me to go out with her. We having lunch,we
go shopping and etc. Sometimes my family an I hang out together for refreshing.
I love my family so much.